Poster (3 MLT) - Nienke Verboven | UCLL

Analysis of lathosterol and plant sterols with gc-ms and lc-ms/ms

Cholesterol related diseases can be detected by analyzing sterols in serum samples. We developed a simple liquid chromatographic/mass spectrometric method that allows separation and quantitation of lathosterol, campesterol and sitosterol and compared it to an established GC-MS method. Deuterium labelled lathosterol and sitosterol were used as internal standards. Using the LC-MS/MS method, satisfactory results for precision were found with less than 5.2% difference. Accuracy was more than 83.9% for all sterols. Recoveries were within the range of 97.9%-109% with the exception of campesterol, which was only 36.7%. LC-MS/MS has a remarkably better sensitivity than GC-MS with a LLOQ of 5.0 ng/mL, 0.49 ng/mL and 0.74 ng/mL for lathosterol, campesterol and sitosterol, respectively. In conclusion, LC-MS/MS looks promising for the analysis of sterols because it is faster and more sensitive than the GC-MS method. However, the stability is lower and proper validation is necessary.

Algemene gegevens

Stageplaats: Karolinska Institutet
Afdeling: Department of  Clinical Chemistry

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