3MLT - Poster Emilia Lesniak | UCLL

Troponin I testing with ‘one hour protocol’ in patients with the suspicion of acute corona

People with suspicion of acute coronary syndrome form a large group of patients in emergency department. Early recognition of a heart failure increases the chance of correct treatment and minimalizes eventual consequences for patients. In order to make a correct diagnosis doctors order a laboratory test to measure the increase of cardiac troponin I in peripheral blood.

Cardiac troponin I is a marker for myocardial necrosis. The value of cardiac troponin I in peripheral blood increases in case of acute coronary syndrome. The increase of that specific marker is calculated after two measurements with at least one hour in between.

The luminescent oxygen channelling immunoassay is the method used to measure the value of troponin I in patient’s blood.

After analysing test results from November there were in total 813 patients with suspicion of acute coronary syndrome in emergency department. Eventually, 52% of female patients and 48% of male patients were ruled in with acute coronary syndrome.

Algemene gegevens

Stageplaats: Denemarken (Holbæk)
Afdeling: Biochemistry department