Project Serve the City Leuven
Simple acts of kindness for people in need
The project ‘Serve the City Leuven’ serves the citizens of Leuven in simple ways through, companionship, music, arts and crafts, meals and more. Its events provide opportunities for people wanting to get involved and put their talents to good use. Students volunteering for the project, can gain real-world experience and practice important skills like leadership, problem-solving, and timemanagement.
These young and enthusiastic volunteers make for a pleasant cooperation, as one of the partners of the project, local community center Seniorama, confirms: “We organized a brunch and called in Serve the City Leuven to support us. We praise the good coordination and would like to give a big compliment to all volunteers and hope there will be more opportunities to work together!”
What difference does your support make?
Any financial support will be used to purchase rental equipment and materials for volunteers. In addition, it will increase the budget for recruiting, training and educating new volunteers.
Even smaller amounts mean a lot to STC Leuven:
€5 = snack and training for volunteer
€10 = meal for volunteer
€20 = T-shirt for volunteer
€40 = rental of equipment needed for projects
Aside from donations, we are always looking for new volunteers for our projects, register here to
become a volunteer: https://www.servethecityleuven.be/
Continue reading below the picture.

Support this project
Would you like to support this project? You can do so by mentioning 'project Serve the City Leuven’ when you make a deposit to the Moving Minds Foundation. Click here for more details on how to make a donation.
Do you prefer to support this project with other means than money? Do you want to do more than making a one-off donation? Then contact the project coordinator at UCLL.
Gabrielle Dutton, Serve the City Leuven: gabbie@servethecityleuven.be
Irene Hermans, MMF coordination, UCLL: 0485 699 872
UN Sustainable Development Goals

The project aims to contribute to the achievement of the following Sustainable Development Goals:

Promoting sustainable cities and communities where there is a place for everyone and where public
space is used for an inclusive, resilient and sustainable climate.