BIP: The Future Of Work - March 2025 | UCLL
Improving means changing. To be perfect often means to change.

Winston Churchill

Every crisis creates new insights, opportunities and sets society in motion.  The past years has accelerated several developments and topics on the HR(M) agenda.  Just think of working from home, digital consultations, work-life balance, e-business meetings, Ai etc.

It is time to implement the innovations and improvements within the HR(M) world and make them real.  This will result in a modern and future-proof HR(M) for employees and organizations.

The BIP ‘The Future of Work’ brings together Management students from all over the world to work on a transdisciplinary project. The main objective of this week is to provide students with the necessary tools to thrive in a diverse and international business environment. While working on a complex HRM case in international teams, students will develop and strengthen the following dimensions: integration of different HRM techniques, use of digital learning platforms, English language skills, and finally, cross-cultural dialogue and cooperation. The programme consists of virtual meetings before and/or after a week of on-campus activities @Campus Diepenbeek.

Social and cultural activities are organised to allow the students to meet their fellow students from other countries. They can be organised online before the week and during the week in Diepenbeek and the city of Hasselt.


Do you know how to manage the exciting challenges below?


Over the past year, ChatGPT and Dall-E hyped up Generative AI to the general public. The business world has been considering possible applications of artificial intelligence, including in hr. According to AI experts, AI can take a lot of routine away from the hr profession in exchange for more insight into hr processes, but there are also ethical concerns?

Inclusive & HR

Innovation strength, stronger business performance, more balanced talent development ... The positive effects of an inclusive corporate culture have been demonstrated many times. But despite many good intentions, in practice it is not so easy?

Generations, Gen Z, …

Gen Z is making our work floor more diverse.  And that is good news for the range of knowledge, experience and skills in organizations. What about stereotyping and value conflicts, ... The key question: How do you play the strengths of all generations without falling into those pitfalls?

Well-being & HR

‘These are exciting times for our relationship to work’.  The search for a better work-life balance is keeping employers, hr and employees awake. And as always in hr: there is no one standard solution. The hr expert is looking for a redesign of our work organization, with attention to the needs of teams, employees and managers.

You can find the weekplanning here.

programma_bip_hrm.pdf (109.13 KB)

International business environment
More and more graduates are working in an international business environment, so answers to these questions prove to be more relevant than ever. Therefore, this BIP HRM “The Future of Work” aims to provide students with all tools necessary to cope with these situations.

Case study
During this BIP, you will have to solve an interesting case.  How can we develop and organise an 'efficient', 'modern' & 'future proof' HR(M) for employees and organisations? To complete this task, you will have to draw upon your knowledge of several disciplines, but you will also be assisted by teachers & experts from the participating countries. At the end of this BIP, the result of this discussions & work is the best of the participating University Colleges. (best of both worlds)

This BIP is developed as a competition. The best team will receive an award at the end of the BIP. Team spirit, commitment, enthusiasm, and initiative are decisive factors in this competition.


Target group: 2nd or 3rd year bachelor or master students in Human Resources Management


10-14 March 2025 + virtual sessions (date to be decided) (timing: CET)


UCLL University of Applied Sciences
Campus Diepenbeek
Agoralaan, Gebouw B
3590 Diepenbeek

Hostel H
Spoorwegstraat 80
3500 Hasselt


€300 (include accommodation & lunches/meals, all socio-cultural activities, public transport, company- & city visit, closing dinner).


Any questions? Feel free to reach out to our coordinators via


By submitting the registration form, you declare to participate in the entire programme and to pay €300.

You commit yourself to participate in all activities, to pay the personal costs involved and to behave correctly during the BIP HRM -The Future of Work- Week, in the university buildings and during the visits.

Deadline for registration: January 31, 2025

Registration form

Year of study
Special diet wishes
I want to register for BIP (Blended Intensive Programme)