BIP: Creative Branding | UCLL

The BIP Creative branding creates an international learning environment for marketing students. During the intensive week in Leuven and the online sessions prior to the week you will work on a branding challenge for a company. You will be doing this in an international setting where intercultural dialogue and cooperation are key to success.

Social and cultural activities are organised to allow you to meet fellow students from other countries.

If you would like to get a taste of a previous edition, have a look here.


Creative branding project

During this project you will work on brand identity and positioning for a business client. You will be working in an international team. While creating a brand identity and developing visuals, you will have to draw upon your marketing and communication skills.
Guest lectures and a company visit will deliver inspiration and extra insights.
Prior to the week in Leuven a number of online sessions will be organized to prepare you for the project and to get to know your team.


This project is developed as a competition. Several teams will create the ultimate branding for a business client and pitch their proposals to the jury.  
Team spirit, commitment, enthusiasm and initiative are decisive factors in this competition.

Socio-cultural programme

The mind needs some relaxation as well. We offer this in the form of team building activities, sports activities, cultural visits and a closing dinner.


Target group

Bachelor students in Business Management, specialisation marketing (at least 2nd year)


30 March – 4 April 2025 (timing: CET)


Any questions? Feel free to reach out to our coordinators: and


UCLL University of Applied Sciences
Campus Proximus
Geldenaaksebaan 335
3001 Leuven (Heverlee)


€ 300 – to be confirmed 
